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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Art student: Massiel Mafes

I got the chance to do an interview with art student Massiel Mafes. I agree with her statements about her art being "witty". Not only is it witty it looks contemporary to me. Mostly I enjoyed how she emphasized the  body shapes and eye colors. Her art has a lot of character, which gives it a realistic look. They are almost seamless. I hope to see more of her art because it's something I've never seen before.

What is art to you?
1. To me, everything that surrounds us is a form of art one way or another. From building structures to the cars we use for transportation, everything is an art in its unique way. 

Why did you chose to study art? 
2. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always had a passion for art. Also, my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Bodie, was an artist and I wanted to be just like her at the time. I still have the paintbrush she gave to me. 

When did you begin to work on your art?
3. It takes years and a lot of practice to actually understand what you're doing in terms of painting, drawing, & ceramics. I began to develop my skills as a young artist since I was 13. 

What school of arts do you go to?
4. Miami International University of Art & Design 

What artists from the past or present have influenced you?
5. I have always had a love for Pablo Picasso, Philip Guston, Salvador Dali, Hans Hofmann & Dana Schutz to name a few. 

What do you want to do when you graduate and when will you graduate? 
6. I want to pursue an MFA. I graduate Fall of 2014. 

What do you think about today's art world?
7. The art world is constantly evolving into new things.

How would you define your art?
8. My work varies. It can either be very witty or it can be extremely odd whenever I want it to be. 

Have you had some exposition of your art? 
9. Yes, in Wynwood last year. 

What kind of medium do you use? 
10. Acrylic on wooden panels/canvas 

What is the biggest dream you want to achieve for you and your art? 
11. If I could have my work in several galleries and museums, I would feel extremely accomplished. Creating art is something I have always wanted to do. 

What advice would you give to someone younger than you looking to go into the arts?
12. Keep doing what you love no matter what people say and definitely practice your craft. 

What is your view point of the artist that commercializes his/her art? ex: Britto
13. Well, Britto is a great businessman that's for sure. Not a lot of people can make a living off of their work.

What is the message your trying to reflect to the world?
14. With my work, I aim to capture the viewers attention and let them reflect on what they think it means to them in a personal way.

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